Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Being Bipolar Sucks....

so I'm going to Honduras. I'm tired of being angry, hyper and horny all the time. How long can you "hang wid the homeys"? How long can you "goon" for other niggas? In my former line of "work" being bipolar is an advantage (i.e. you can get hit wid several fist and in that blood drunk rage you can have the hands of a demons...and you will b rewarded for your barbarism). Just because your being paid dont mean your not being used. How long can you hurt other folk before they pay your courtesy back to you?
I came to this decision rather quickly. Passport soon come to I. I been saving my money so long I didn't know what I was gonna spend it on until I watched Rock Docs: Last Days of Left of Left Eye. I was touched spitually just watching her. You can truly find yourself in solitude. You ever wake up and you felt like you was still "sleeping"? That's how I felt all my life until January 30 2k8. Since I'm on such a fast track to self realization it would be a shame to stop now wouldnt it? 30 days of wood and root tonic beat out a lifetime of least in my case


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