Monday, April 07, 2008

Ideal Work Schedule So I can work schedule lol

Work doubles 3 days and part time 4

because I've notice I havent been to any open mics, slams or performances in the past month. My abuelo being a part of it. I've been in my cucoon long nuff time for me to spead out, ya dig?
But im focused now I should be in the Nuyo or the Bowery by next week. Gots muy new materials. Got a new swag about me. And Abiodun really wants me to start coming out of my shell. Willie too.
I started out but stopped cuz I was rolling with Aja and its best if you start by yourself, doley get out the limelight of others. Because heds in the poetry circle was just calling me Gia Shakur and then they started linking me with Aja too much (i.e. "Aja's friend" or "that girl Aja wrote about"). Aja my ride or die bitch as ya'll already know but I want people to say my name seperate to my homey, smell me?

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