Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Broken arm? Newwark and ish

yo my arm still hasnt heeled. I now know what it feels like to be an artist living from hand to mouth. I mean its cool. The only thing I'm missing is Mary Jane. Went to Jersey last night killed the microphone. Got asked to feature at sum next club in downtown New Wark and everythig is running smooth. I'm going to the Key Club tonight the place I will be featuring at in the near future. Owwwwwww! wats going on now is that I'm petitioning my ex boyfriends for reperations. They are forming a queue and I'll be colllecting money througout the day. That sounds a little bit ish but you know I'm a good girl. If all else fails I will be panhandling. Oh yeah just because I'm fresh and fly dont mean i dont panhandle lol.
I didnt know how much my ex boyfriend companionship meant to me until I went to Jersey a couple of days ago. I had 7 dollars in my pocket (after Time Warner, Verizon and the rent). Enough for an orange juice and sum weed. I broke into tears. Whatever. I wouldnt go back to someone just because their pockets are chubby.
This is the period where my love for poetry will be tested. I'll pass. Believe me, with flying colors.

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