Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Constellation of a Block Star in a Dufflebag Near You

Yeah its been a long hard process. Much blood sweat and tears. Much leafing through my notebooks I been keeping for the last 3 years. But finally after my 10 years in the poetry game I'm self publishing my first compilation of poems and prose. Owww. I'm muy happy with myself I never thought that last year around this same time I would be publishing a book of any scale.
I had much time to reflect on these things. After coming out unscathed in the streets of Harlem and Brooklyn, 3 asshole boyfriends and occasionally run ins with the NYPD (figurative and literatively) and the death of my childhood friend Channel I was still able to produce work of substance. Even though I had vowed to myself at one point that I would never write again because I was finding out how ugly the world is and I didnt think writing about it would do much (how stupid was I?).
She never left me I just thought she had. Who can appreciate beauty without sunlight?

1 comment:

  1. YAY!

