Me at Marlo's ripping the mic before my brother Rainmaker make his feature owwwww
Me and my best friend Judy lokoing for mice just playing
Dressed like Ghetto Woman (super heroine) with my lovely god child Zion...yea and she is prettier than UR baby lol
If it wasnt for those Chuchifrito stands in the middle of Washington Heights @ 3 in the mornign I would be a vegetarian right now. FUCK!!!
Taking care of bizness
I am Ihops most loyal customer lol. Go ask the staff
This is me @ The Rooselvelt High School Talent Showcase with Miss B. The illest MC in Washington DC. The Freedom School with booking agent Tenisha Percell. It rained the whole time we were there ;(
Did I tell you story how I got kidnapped by a crazy vegetarian who wouldnt let me eat a Philly Cheese Steak sandwich in Philly? Well after we escaped we went to Bob Evans with KD and Destination. I had sum banging hot cakes with vanilla pudding in the middles and strawberry/banana sauce on top...cuz I'm a princess duh!!!
Went to Pop's house (Abiodun) everybody was getting shitface drunk and doing poetry. We were definatly on our limerick ish. And Aja graced us with her beautiful voice and Taliban scarf
Me and Albe acting straight fools. Yea we were drunk
This is my road dog Jessica Rabbit AKA Souletic
She has a nasty flo so fellas better watch out