Wow, Low called me today and was like,"I'm ready to come to Honduras with you bitch..." she wants to bring a friend. But I really want to get on sum Left Eye shit and tell my life story (short as my life is) I think my experience is a trip. Drama, abortion, boyfriends that were reincarnated from Ike Turner, no daddy, stripper, poet, "gang banger". Ok. I'm not going to delve into all of my issues and near life experiences on camera. I dont want it popping up sumwhere and people tinking I'm damaged goods and going into "pity mode" I hate that shit. But I definatly want Low to film me talking about sum of my encounters, a before and after. I just dont know how long I'm staying; not to mention that this vacation and the 1116 are very close together. But going to Honduras this year is mandatory. I need to get away. I havent been on a real vacation since I was like 8 (I dont count U.S. states).
But if I go with Lauren will it still be spiritual? Not that she will annoy me or anything of that measure. But I believe that one has to be completely be in solace and deep silence to be spiritual (thus the reason I find church pointless). There is sumthing about listening to your heartbeat that is fascinating.
i wanna gooo too, but my money situation is not on point. at any event, i want u to go and make it back safely n ten times better in every arena... yr writing is gonna be wicked!