I'm usually very honest with my customers unless its sum shit that they really have no business knowing i.e. "("How much do you make a night?") So when I tell them I have boyfriend and the like they are usually 1) surprised 2) turned off 3) think I'm lying. They surprised because they think a stripper is too much of a liability in a relationship (worrying bout the cheating). They are turned off because they know they cant fuck me or date me (sorry mate). And the majority that think I'm lying because they wouldn't or couldn't concieve an adult entertainment artist to have nothing more to offer than clapping ass and splits (there are still sum that think strippers are stupid, they never met me though, or my main bitches Eva and Extacy).
So its good Carlito is none of the 3. I make sure to tell him at least once a month that if I met him in the strip club we wouldnt have been this close...I think men that go to strip clubs is deficient. He says I would have boned him still...he still doesnt know me through and through I see...
Me and Lito are not the conventional couple (girl-next-door/son of the preacher man). We are definatly a conventinal hood couple (stripper/pharmicist). But that shit works. Thats why I can never get into people giving me advice, or telling me what's right as far as loving a person. I feel like if you wake next to that person and you want to go right back to sleep with them (actually sleep not fuckin). Ya'll must be doing something right.
So I stopped caring about what other people thought he was doing. I dont listen to my mother when she says he the devil (she isnt that great with them card ALL the time). I follow my head not my heart. And I look at things logically; I've dated good guys that have treated me like shit and the felon the one who treats me like a Queen. And talkin to each other @ 3 in the morning, teaching each other how to cook different varieties of pancakes got nothing to do with money....so.......
Breakfast in the morning...$30. Kush in the evening. $100. Kissing each others eyelids, listening to each other sleep, meditating under the sun in the backyard wid mimosas in our hand, finding new places for our hands and fingers...priceless
Last Summer
( in reference to the voicemail incident wid Tersit and Charles,smoking a blunt in the hole)
Carlito-"You need to stop fuckin wid them rappers...focus on real niggas
Gia- "I only focus on real niggas...."
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