See that dude right there? Thats my peeps. That yellow stuff in his eyes is mace. I was tight. I felt helpless. Especially because we were collective telling the police our constitutional rights. They were violating at least 10. So when he didnt comply with diretions the officer maced him, when he still didnt move the police officer punched him several times in his face. Thats wack. I went to the precinct to check on him and the Lt. told me that neither him nor the officers had gotten there despite the fact I went home changed and walked 5 blocks to the 32nd precinct. Basically he lied to my face because the officers that had joined that Nazi in this power charge were standing on the side of the building like it was all good. Laughing at me. Then when I walked up the road weary from fighting badges and protocol rhetoric I realized they were laughing at us....
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