I don't like it when niggas come into my home and get tight wid me cuz I genuinely like Lil Wayne. Wat's wrong wid the lil nigga yo? Yes he does syrup. Yes he is a cokehead. But so is the president and he get regular airplay. I could never watch my morning rotation of Old Folk shows without this jackoff coming on. That was pre 2k8.
I digress, I got to hear bout niggas ghost writing for him, HIS long nights at the club and him kissing a nigga on the CHEEK. Basically shit I either dont pay no mind and dont care about.
I been a fan of Wayne since my wee years of high school when he aint have them damn dreds. And I consider myself an expert on the cadence of rappers and that nigga aint got no ghost writer...I wanna know what happen to get so nice but anyway...I'm an advocator of natural highs (which include marijuana, shrooms and forms of blow) so um I really dont care if this nigga does what he do cuz I keep large cloudz round my head. And as for kissing baby boy or birdman (his name escapes me), I'm not a fan of batty men or faggot (I didn't say gay) but James Baldwin was gay and he was one of the most advanced artists of his time. So if Wayne was gay I wouldnt care. And isnt he fucking Supahead? If he was gay she definately would hav blown him up by now...
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