So I got a new joint. No names we aint gonna do that. But I'm trying to distinguish if he is my boyfriend or main flow. I really try hard not to talk about the state of any of my unions. I wish not to jinx them. But here are a list of things I hate and like about the young chap.
1) How he acts 10 years younger than what he already is and he is a year younger than me!
2) Him drinking my Minute Maid Cherry Limeade out the container
3) Getting into my bed with his dirty sneaker socks
4) Taking 2 hours, literally, to bring back whatever I asked to get him from the store
5) His comrades who are trying to fuck me
6) His fascination with being Don MAgic Juan (just the swag NOT the company)
7) Forgetfulness
8) His ever slick harlem boy mouth
9) His lazy
10) His extracurricular activities
1) He watched Zeitgeist from beginning to end then took it upstairs and showed it to the homeys
2) Has a deep seething hate for the NYPD
3) Going to the army (so he can teach me how to take guns apart)
4) He can freestyle better than most mcs in the game and has no intentions of being a rapper
5) He is bold and rebellious and says whatever he feels
6) He will man up for being wrong
7) He is teaching me how to be a japaholic
8) He looks like a young dark skin Tupac
9) Even though he doesnt claim me as his girl he dont let birds be fly in his face
10) He tries to teach me new things but stops in the middle lol he has ADD
11) He reminds me of Claude Brown in Man Child in the Promised Land
12) He doesnt drink...at all
Things We Have in Common
1) Ride the 5
2) Love gangster flicks
3) Love sweet potato pies from Crown Fried Chicken
4) All day potheads
5) Common sense
6) Like to make money
7) Always on the move
8) Sloppy organized
9) nicotine obsession
10) Slapboxaholics (we practice on each other)
11) Stay in bed til noon