The universe played a wicked trick on me last night. I'm not a downtown club person but listen. In a downtown club, on the humble, on a thursday night when I'm usually working...stands a motherfucker that looks just like Carlito. I mean this dude had his round ass head, with the wings on his back, short and stocky. I thought he was this dude so much I started looking at his teeth..crowded at the bottom, chipped and gapped at the top just like Carlito. But upon further inspection he had a scar on his face and he looked way younger like my age. But he he could have been dude twin. So I was just standing their starin at this asshole who had the nerve to look like my ex. I was staring at him so hard he actually turned right into my glance.
Then this dude had the audacity to follow me around and kept asking me to dance. I finally said,"Pa, I have been avoiding you all night because you look like sumone I used to deal with. Your face is literally hurting me." "Wow. Thats rough." he smiled and walked away...he kept looking at me the whole time. When he left he came up to me, gave me a hug and said see you around.
I could have cried. More so for the reason because me and carlito never officially broke up. I just stopped answering my phone for like 3 weeks. Then I blocked his number. After I put away the grudge I decided to call him for father's day (he has a daughter) and his phone was off. So I dont know how to feel. Definatlely not heart broken I dont do those. Its just a small voidness in my idle hours that manifest when Im reminded him...
I cant even drink Mo no more this is a sad state of affairs...
its called closure, and it looks like yr lacking it!
ReplyDeletesuck a lollipop